Kara Allan


Editing Your Wardrobe

Twice a year you should go through your closet and ruthlessly edit!  It’s like feng shui, you must make room for new clothes by getting rid of clothes you don’t wear.  Here are some tips:

If you haven’t worn it in 6 months and it’s not a seasonal item, toss it

If it has stains, tears, or holes, pitch it

If it’s too small, too tight or too short, tell it bye-bye

If it’s missing a button, the hem is hanging, or the seams are coming apart, get it to a tailor ASAP!

If it’s an orphan ( a single impulse item purchase) be honest about whether you will ever find it something to wear it with.  It’s probably best to let it go

Have a fashion swap party with your girlfriends and co-workers and trade your orphans

What do you think?

@KaraAllan on Twitter



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